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localings  Cancellation Policy

By confirming an experience, you agree to the localings Cancellation Policy.

The moment a client confirms an event, we mobilize our teams to ensure a timely delivery of a high quality event. Even though a cancellation comes before the date of the event, our teams would have already put in a significant amount of time and effort into the operation, preparations, and rehearsals, and that's why a cancellation will also incur some costs.

Cancellation and Reschedule Policy

Should the Client elect, for any reason, to cancel this agreement, Client hereby agrees to provide a written notice of intent to cancel this agreement. Should this notice be within 14 days or less of the contracted event date, the client agrees to pay the full amount due for the event. Should the cancellation order come more than 14 days prior to the date of the event, then the client shall only be liable to pay for the technical and any other services rendered to date including, but not limited to, rehearsals, preparations of materials, designs and other event related activities and team time. localings will also provide a prompt accounting and billing of services to date, including, but not limited to, Booking Fees for hosts booked to date, reimbursement for any items purchased on behalf of the Client and any other applicable charges for payment in full.In the event of past due or non payment of fees as indicated in the Payment Schedule, localings reserves the right to cease services until the account is brought current. localings reserves the right to terminate this Service Agreement by written notice for any accounts past due 30 days. In the event of cancellation by localings due to non payment of fees by the Client, all payments made to localings by the client will be considered payment for services to date.

Should the client wish to reschedule the event, within a reasonable time frame, this is possible, for any reason, up to 14 days prior to the date of the event and is subject to availability at the time of request for the new date. Rescheduling less than 14 days prior to the start of the event may incur additional costs.

Want to cancel or reschedule an event?

Inform us via email as soon as possible.

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